Tuesday, September 8, 2009

"Art is never necessary. It is merely indispensable." -

Michael Kimmelman New York Times

Vessel No # 1

Vessel No #2 
Transparency # 1

Transparency # 2
As I now settle back in Old Myakka, enjoying the end of the summer, my thoughts turn to the wonderful changing weather, the start of a new semester at Ringling, teaching private workshops and creating new work in the studio.
So far, this summer has taken me on a new and more sculptural way of working. The small, hands on encaustic books have also found way onto the hanging vessels inscribed with words and meaning which now float from the ceiling. The studio has become, once again,  a “teller of tales”

I will be teaching Digital Photography, Macro photography, Collage and Encaustic courses, both basic and advanced. I am also getting together a roster of small, one-day workshops designed to help artists with the business of art.  They will focus on many aspects of the art application processes:  Working on presentation materials, Zapp applications, Image making, how to photograph your artwork, parameters for submitting, Photoshop image enhancement and written statements.  I will also introduce a workshop on understanding and learning to use networking sites.

Please write me if you are interested as I am putting together the roster right now.